Microbial diversity, or a variety of good bacteria in the gut, is important not just for digestion, but also the gut-brain conversation that affects immune function, stress, and mood. In 2015, Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care published a review by T.G. Dinan and J.F. Cryan, discussing bacteria’s role in what’s transmitted between the gut and brain.
Digestive enzymes are also important for healing the intestinal walls. Enzymes help the body break down food and absorb needed nutrients. Proper absorption prevents acid reflux, bloating, constipation, cramping, diarrhea, post-meal fatigue, and other gastrointestinal problems.
What is the Role Probiotics Have in Healing Leaky Gut?
For any diet, supplementation is important to reset a healthy gut, promote the healing process, and provide nutrients that may be lacking in your diet. One important supplement is a good probiotic to support a healthy immune system, balance bad bacteria, prevent Candida overgrowth, and promote healthy digestion.
How do Probiotics Heal Leaky Gut?
Probiotics help replenish good bacteria in the gut. Good bacteria will reduce harmful bacteria, inhibit yeast overgrowth, support positive communication between the brain and intestinal tract, reduce inflammation, and provide an overall healthy environment for your body.
Are Probiotics Safe for Leaky Gut?
Yes, with a few qualifications. Those with SIBO have an excess of good bacteria, which has become over populated and therefore become bad, so they may need to avoid taking more. Supplements with too high a count (typically 50 billion or above) can shock the body with such a sudden, high amount. It’s like squeezing 50 people through a doorway instead of allowing 15 in: the doorway endures stress. If the total number is small, the number of strains is important, as well. This is like trying to have 20 people play a 4-player game: they will fight over who gets to play, and who gets which piece. Probiotic strains must work synergistically in a formula so that they will not attack each other in the gut.
Can Probiotics Cause Leaky Gut to Get Worst? Can Probiotics Make Leaky Gut Worse?
With the exception of SIBO, some people may experience more bloating, cramping, or diarrhea when first taking probiotics. With smaller strains and billions, the body may be readjusting itself. The bacteria is moving into the gut, and this requires a lot of home repair and construction. Things may feel rough at first, however within two weeks, the symptoms should clear up and you will feel better than ever.
How Long to Take Probiotics for Leaky Gut to Improve?
This depends on other factors in your life. How critical is your intestinal permeability, how well are you managing stress or a healthy diet in your life, and do you have any other gut concerns such as Candida overgrowth? The answers will dictate how long probiotics should be taken. However, as a general rule, probiotics are taken long-term for at least one month, if not two years before seeing improvement. Even after your gut is healed, continue to take them, even in natural fermented foods such as unsweetened yogurt or kimchi.
How Many Billions of Probiotics CFU (colony forming units) should I take to Heal Leaky Gut?
This is a tricky question. Going too low won’t provide enough support, however taking too high an amount can shock your body and cause unnecessary distress. A good amount is between 15-50 billion, however, I would say to go at the lower end. Once they are in your gut, they will regenerate themselves with a healthy diet, and therefore you don’t want to overcrowd the space to begin with. 18 billion, as found in Canxida Restore provides moderate CFUs
How much probiotics capsules should I take every day? What’s the Right Amount of Probiotics to Take to Cure Leaky Gut?
Each product varies, however 1-2 capsules of a probiotic is standard. Always follow directions on the bottle. Curing your gut takes time, so a moderate billion will not overwork or shock the body. Consider 15-20 billion.
If I Have Leaky Gut and My Absorption is Bad, Should I Take More Probiotics and Enzymes?
More does not necessarily mean better. We don’t want to overload our body with either probiotics or enzymes. Consider taking a multivitamin or amino acid supplement to make up for poor absorption. A good probiotic and enzyme will help increase absorption overtime, but trying to rush the process will only cause more distress than relief.
If I have leaky gut and I take probiotics can it possibly cause acne or burping?
Acne or burping may be a side effect of bacteria or other harmful pathogens escaping the body. These symptoms should clear up after a couple of weeks. If burping continues, try taking the probiotic with a meal.
Should I take probiotics alone or I need a probiotic enzyme?
Enzymes play an important role to increase nutrient absorption and break down food. They work together with probiotics to prevent inflammation and support digestion.
What is the most effective probiotics for leaky gut in your experience?
I have spent 1000s trying out every known probiotic, and Canxida Restore is the only one to consistently give me a sense of wellbeing. Some blends seemed to do nothing, and I would develop slight lethargy or yeast infections within one month of us. Blends that were above 30 billion, or exceeded eight strains, would cause unnecessary diarrhea and bloating for me when I had been healthy. I found a few blends where I felt great after one month of use, but within three months, the same formula seemed to wear off, and I didn’t feel the same spring in my step as when I’d first started taking it.
What should I do if probiotics is not working or fixing my leaky gut?
Look at the other aspects of your life that may be preventing you from healing. Stress, NSAIDs (aspirin, Advil, etc), antibiotics, poor diet, inflammation, Candida overgrowth or parasites may be preventing your body from healing. While beneficial bacteria are critical, they are not a cure in and of themselves. Even if you are taking the correct steps, the healing process can sometimes take up to two years.
If you feel your probiotic is not working, the strains may be too small, the label may be misleading (sometimes companies say there is a certain billion, however that amount is on the date of manufacturing, which means that by the time it gets to your home, many of the bacteria have died and will be ineffective), or the blend may not work together synergistically, and so the strains fight and kill each other off.
Consider taking Canxida Restore for a balanced, strong (but not overpowering) blend that also contains enzymes to improve absorption.
If I take probiotics for my leaky gut can it cause eczema?
If you have a yeast infection, probiotics help kill off the overgrowth. When yeast dies, it releases toxins in what’s called a ‘die-off’ effect. This can irritate the body. Yeast and other pathogens may try to escape the body, which turns into inflammatory, eczema-like reactions. If these reactions are strong, consider taking a supplement to reduce die-off and support detoxification, like Canxida Remove.
Another reason for skin irritations could be an allergen in your probiotic. Some ingredients, either in strains or the capsule, may be derived from dairy, wheat, or corn, which are common allergens. Even synthetic ingredients in small amounts may irritate the gut or cause allergic responses.
Which strain of probiotics is best for leaky gut?
While many strains are available, six are critical for gut-focused support.
- Lactobacillus acidophilus: Acidophilus is the best known strain, and often isolated. It suppresses bad bacteria, stimulates the immune system, assists in calcium absorption, and produces: B vitamins, beneficial acids to support proper digestion, and enzymes to support nutritional absorption.
- Lactobacillus plantarum: Present in your saliva, it prevents harmful bacteria from entering your body orally, and protects teeth and gums. It preserves antioxidants, nutrients, and vitamins in the body, and produces l-lysine, an amino acid that boosts immune function. Candida is inhibited from overgrowing when plantarum is around. A recent study published in 2011 by Nutrients showed that intestinal permeability was reduced with this strain. Surgical Infections published a 2015 study where plantarum was given to a controlled group of mice with intestinal permeability. Compared to the group of mice that received no treatment, the plantarum protected the intestinal barrier function and treated diarrhea.
- Lactobacillus casei: reduces intestinal permeability, and supports acidophilus to flourish in the gut.
- Lactobacillus rhamnosus: survives acidic environments, including in the intestines, this strain supports healthy immune function by stimulating the production of antibodies and assisting white blood cells to more efficiently fight against invasive bacteria.
- Bifidobacterium bifidum: colonizes in the colon and vagina, this strain assists with B-complex vitamin production, and discourages histamine production: the main chemical that triggers allergic reactions.
- Bifidobacterium Longum: people low in longum are more susceptible to allergies and diarrhea. It oversees the production of biotin, a b vitamin with the ability to stop Candida from transforming into more complex forms that are harder to eradicate from the body.
You can read more details about each of these strains under the ‘Ingredients’ tab.